About Us

AS EcoPro is an Estonian waste management company with a long history. We have provided quality service, regardless of the economic or political situation.

Today’s keywords for us are the professionalism of our employees, the efficiency and quality of our processes, and the close monitoring of environmental protection requirements in our work.

We currently operate a number of waste centers, each with its own characteristics.

Our environmental goals are to ensure the stable development of the company, while adhering to the principles of sustainable development. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our operations in open and reliable cooperation with all interested parties. Environmental protection is integrated into the company’s operations and is part of an equivalent corporate governance system.

AS Ecopro is a member of the Estonian Association of Circular Economic Enterprises and the Estonian Chamber of Commerce



• Conducting pollution research
• Preparation of rehabilitation projects
• Accident elimination
• Liquidation of tank farms and boiler houses
• Removal of residual pollution
• In-situ and ex-situ soil remediation
• Consultations


• Management of hazardous waste treatment centers
• Remediation of contaminated soil
• Hazardous waste landfill management
• Collection and transport of hazardous waste
• Waste recovery
• Consultations


Elimination of environmental pollution

• Conducting pollution research
• Preparation of rehabilitation projects
• Accident elimination
• Liquidation of tank farms and boiler houses
• Removal of residual pollution
• In-situ and ex-situ soil remediation
• Consultations

Hazardous waste management

• Management of hazardous waste treatment centers
• Remediation of contaminated soil
• Hazardous waste landfill management
• Collection and transport of hazardous waste
• Waste recovery
• Consultations


Tallinn Waste Management Center

Tallinn Waste Management Center

Kiviõli Waste Recovery Center

Kiviõli Waste Recovery Center

Vaivara Hazardous Waste Management Center

Vaivara Hazardous Waste Management Center

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